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Clues/questions will be posted here on the evening that they've appeared on the Facebook event. If you miss the post or can't find the questions, check here. 

Sunday Clues 10/18/2015



1. Virginia King


The first author being featured on Uncanny Quarry today is Virginia King. Search for answers at



Go check out the prologue and the first page of Chapter 1 on her website, then answer the following question: Which three things contribute to the silence?



2.  PM Pevato


The second author in our hunt today is PM Pevato. Check her out at


Here are her questions:


1. Go to the "Look Inside” at for Firefly: Ice Born. You can find the link on my website. In Chapter One, what is the secret that Emeranne's Dad tells her?

2. On my website - -under "Inspiration", click the Pinterest button. Or go straight to Pinterest and search PM Pevato
Name 3 boards on Pinterest, and 1 photo from each of the 3 boards, that inspired me whilst writing Firefly (exclude Poetry, Ravens, Vive le Flanerie, Books etc, Secrets of Snow Valley ie covers)

3. Answer this question to enter the raffle for a signed paperback on the Raffles page of the Uncanny Quarry site.

Summarize the two-minute book trailer found on my YouTube channel  or on my Goodreads Author Profile Page:

4. Under the Playlist heading on my author website, choose one song from each playlist (Emeranne's and Bennett's)

5. This answer can be found on Instagram: yauthorpevato

What planet did NASA and astronomers discover during the Super Blood Moon eclipse?



3. Wren Figueiro


Check out Wren Figueiro’s site at



For questions 1 & 2, look through the teasers on my author site. I won’t name the characters speaking to avoid spoilers.


1.  One of the teasers describes a character’s first encounter with Atancia Clark. What does his bike wheel hit?


2. In a separate teaser that starts with the character turning off the TV, what is the character consumed by?


3. For this question go to the Giveaways page on my author site. What might you win if you leave a review of Atancia on Amazon and email me the link?




4. K.J. McPike


K.J. McPike is the fourth author in our hunt today. Learn more at


Here are K.J.’s questions:


1. What ability does Lali Yavari discover she has?


2. Name the person who said, "KJ has crafted an original and thought provoking first effort with the skill of a veteran writer . . . readers are left fully satisfied yet wanting more.”


3. What will be the title of the second book in the Astralis series?


4. What career did K.J. have before she became a writer?


5. Who did K.J.'s first interview?



5. Cassandra Curtis


Our fifth author today is Cassandra Curtis. You can find the answers to her questions at


1. What does Steven see Melinda eating?
2.  What is a common thread in all Cassandra’s books?
3.  Name the writing “game” Cassandra plays.
4. What character does Cassandra most want to revisit in a sequel?
5. What color is Vivilyn’s hair in the story Song Of The Sea?



Monday Clues 10/19/2015



1. Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps


The first question today is from Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps. The answer can be found at

In August we had a wild round of 4.5 and 5 star reviews.  One in particular was a gothic Victorian fantasy that had steampunk written all over it.  Tell me the name of this book!  You might try looking in the August Archive of the blog.



2.  S.J. West


Author 2 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is S.J. West. The answer to her question can be found at


Here is her question:


Many of you are familiar with books in my Watchers Universe, and if you've read any of the Chronicles, you've met Jess and Mason.  For those who haven't yet read the series you can find all the info on the books on my website!  My question for you is, who are Jess and Mason looking for in Book 3?



3. Sandy Wright


Author 3 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Sandy Wright. Answers to her questions can be found at


Here are her questions:


1. What is the name of Sandy's debut novel?


2. What birds are featured on the book cover?


3. What type of paranormal subjects are in the book?


4. Sandy is especially qualified to write about witchcraft. What makes her an expert?


5. What is the October Spellworking on Sandy's website? (Hint: It's in the Book of Shadows)




4. Donna AnnMarie Smith


Author 4 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Donna AnnMarie Smith. Answers to her questions can be found at and on Amazon at  . Click on the book she references in the question.


1.     Donna AnnMarie Smith’s NA Paranormal Romance, The To Fall Trilogy, takes place in the make believe town of Desert Springs in the author’s state. What US state does the author reside in? 


2.   In chapter one of Donna AnnMarie Smith’s NA Paranormal Romance, To Fall (The To Fall Trilogy Volume One), the heroine Abby equates her subconscious to which Stephen King novel?


3.   During Cresil’s flashback in chapter two of Donna AnnMarie Smith’s NA Paranormal Romance, To Hold (The To Fall Trilogy Volume Two), the demon lord finds a human vessel, Jason, to possess in a downtown club. Who is the infamous character that Jason imitates?


4.   Donna AnnMarie Smith gets most of her writing inspiration from her favorite genre of music: contemporary country. In chapter one of  her NA Paranormal Romance, To Love (The To Fall Trilogy Volume Three), Xander finds Abby singing their song on the beach. What is Abby singing? 


5.    Donna AnnMarie Smith’s NA Paranormal Romance, The To Fall Trilogy, is not only a love story, but filled with action, angst, drama, both dark and light, and, most importantly, humor. Her favorite character of The To Fall Gang is a beloved Archangel. Found on the author’s website, what is the Archangel’s name?



5. Tina Moss


Author 5 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Tina Moss. The answers to her questions can be found at


1.  What is sitting on avatar Tina's lap?


2. What does Tina have a black belt in?


3. How many stars did CODE BLACK receive from RT Book Reviews?


Tuesday Clues 10/20/2015


1. Tempest C. Avery


The first author of the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Tempest C. Avery. You can find the answers to these questions at


1. What is Luka holding on the cover of Beguiling Trickery?


2. What order does Mila work for in the book Bone Deep?


3. What's the third question asked of Luka in the Ask Away section?


4. What color are the flowers Linley is laying in on the cover of Know Thyself?


5. What is the title of the fourth and final book of the Underworld saga?


2. Lisa Barry


The second author for today’s Round Robin of Uncanny Quarry is Lisa Barry. Here are her questions.


1. Go to and find The Guardians by Lisa Barry. Open the “Look Inside” and go to Chapter 5. Read the first two paragraphs. What coffee was ordered?


2.  Go to Lisa’s Author Page (Goodreads or Amazon and read her Bio. Who listens carefully when Lisa reads aloud?


3.  Go to Lisa’s Facebook page ( In the image at the top, what is the tag line?



3. Susan Catalano


The third author in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Susan Catalano.  The answers to her questions can be found by visiting her site:


1. What color robes was the woman on the cliff wearing? (Click Books link, click Read Chapter 1)

2. What was the original name of Danvers, MA? (Click Blog link)

3. What is the name of Susan’s dog? (Click Bio link)

4.  What is the name of the upcoming sequel to The Timeless Ones? (Click Books link)

5. What is the title of Chapter 8?  (Click Books link - click Amazon link and Look Inside)



4. Bridges DelPonte


The fourth author in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Bridges DelPonte. Answers to these questions can be found by exploring the “Look Inside” feature and the author bio at Bridges’ Amazon Author Central Page: 


1. In chapter 1 of Bridles of Poseidon, what name does our heroine, Aquan, like to use when she transforms into a human and what surfing location is the name based on?


2. In Mother Goose is Dead, Bridges DelPonte wrote a modern retelling of the Irish Selkie or Seal Woman myth. What is the name of that story?


3. What is the name of Bridges DelPonte’s unpublished mystery novel which won a 2012 Royal Palm Literary Award from the Florida Writers Association?


4. What is Bridges DelPonte’s hometown?


5. Bridges DelPonte wrote Chasing the Moon, a story about a werewolf with Parkinson’s disease who revels in the freedom of his monthly transformations. What was the name of the anthology in which the story appeared?


5. Raquel Dove


The fifth author in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Raquel Dove. Answers to her questions can be found at


1. What type of paranormal entity is Paris from The Blood Calls series?

2. Who is Paris' business partner?

3. Who is the main character in Death Angel

4. What is the name of the place where the main character in Death Angel goes after she dies?

5. What is the title of the second book in The Demons Saga?

Wednesday Clues 10/21/2015


1. Cherie De Sues


AUTHOR 1 in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is Cherie De Sues. Answers can be found at



1. In "Ghosts of O'Malley's Cove" how does Simone come to live in a mansion?


a. She bought it.

b. She inherited the house.

c. Simone's grandfather gave her the house.



​2. In "Tales of the Red Moon Clan" in what state do the hero and heroine run through the forest?​


a. Washington

b. Colorado

c. Oregon


3. In "West Salem" What kinds of paranormal folk does the hero meet?


a. Ghosts

b. Fairies

c. Witches

d. All the above



2. Ani Gonzalez


Ani Gonzalez is Author 2 in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin. Answers can be found at 


1. What's America's Most Haunted Town?

2. What's harder than being a working actress in Hollywood?

3. Name the billionaire who wants to turn his haunted hometown into the country's premier paranormal destination?



3. Elianne Adams


Author 3 in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is Elianne Adams. This answer can be found at


What does Jay Conners have to do to keep Libbie safe?


4. Shereen Vedam


Shereen Vedam is Author 4 in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin. The answer can be found at:


Which fairy tale was the inspiration behind A Devilish Slumber?

5. Kimberly Lewis


Author 5 in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is Kimberly Lewis. Answers can be found at


1. What are the titles of the first three books in the Celestial Series by Kimberly Lewis?

2.  What is the main character, Beth Jordan's profession?


3.  Where did the author grow up?


4.  How many children does the author have?


5. What is the opposition trying to prevent from happening in The Redeemer?

Thursday Clues  10/22/2015


1. Lori Whyte


The first author in today’s Round Robin is Lori Whyte. Answers can be found at 


1. In Saved By the Wolf, who does Alanna call when she gets stuck in a ditch?


2. In Seduced By the Wolf, what does Sam come face to face with in the blizzard?


3. In Wanted By the Wolf, who wants to claim Kathy’s children as their own?


4. In Pursued By the Wolf, what can’t Lisa do when she’d around Carson, the sexy wolf?


5. In Their Runaway Mate, who elects to sacrifice Jasmine to the dragons?


2. Kallysten


The second author in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is Kallysten. Answers can be found at


1. What are the names of Vivien's 2 bodyguards in the QuickSilver Codex series?

2. What series does Fangs & Lullabies belong to?

3. Name the ebook or audiobook you'd like to receive if you win. Take your pick on Kallysten's site.



3. A.E. Hellstorm


The third author in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is A.E. Hellstorm. Most answers can be found at  and one is on Amazon at in the excerpt.


1. What is Miriam Goldblum’s Field Researcher name?


2. In the Hands of the Unknown is part of a series. What is the name of the series?


3. The third book in the series will be released next year. What is the name of that book?


4. Who are current members of the Faculty?


5. How long time after the events in In the Hands of the Unknown does the events in Lost take place?


4. Anna Lowe

Anna Lowe is the fourth author in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin. Answers can be found at


1. What kind of shifter is the hero of Desert Hunt?

2. What is the danger the leading couple in Desert Moon face?
3. In Desert Fate, who or what is hot on Stefanie's heels?

4. What could possibly scare the big, bad wolf in Desert Wolf 2?

5. What is the name of the alpha of the neighboring coyote pack? (Hint: he's almost family, and the answer is in the "Bonus Materials" section of the website!)



5. Kara Lockharte


The fifth author in today’s Uncanny Quarry Round Robin is Kara Lockharte. Answers can be found by reading the excerpt for The Boy Who Came Back a Wolf at


1. What is the name of the planet Lauryn lives on?


2. What is the name of Lauryn's sister?


3. What is Xavier's military rank?


4. Where did Xavier go after graduation?


5. Who has a space pirate for a father?

Friday Clues 10/23/2015



1. Kim Faulks


The first questions today are from Kim Faulks. The answers can be found at



1. What is the title of book zero in my new Underground Kings Series?


2. What is the character name of my Gothic Shifter Fairytale story titled, Beast? 



2. Amber Foxx


Author 2 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Amber Foxx. The answers to her questions can be found at


1. What is the name of the cat that runs away in The Calling?

 Hint: Check the preview on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple or Inktera.


 2. Where did the title of the third book in the series come from?


3. Which books in the Mae Martin Psychic Mystery Series take place in Santa Fe, New Mexico?


4. What kind of chickens does Mae's grandmother have?

Check the preview or in the free short story The Outlaw Women



3. Roxy De Winter


Author 3 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Roxy De Winter. The answers to her questions can be found at!coming-soon-/eohv5


1. How many years has Aenix lived for?


2. Why was Paietra sentenced to hell?


3. In Aenix's time, what is the truest expression of love?


4. In Aenix's time, what has replaced natural death?


5. What did Aenix decide she would do before her next semi-centennial rejuvenation?



4. Jason P. Crawford


Author 4 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Jason P. Crawford. The answers to his questions can be found at


1. What does Sam Buckland do for a living?


2. What political position is Gregory Caitlin running for?


3. Where does the Drifter wake up after he falls asleep in the alley?




5. Teri Dluznieski


Author 5 in the Uncanny Quarry Round Robin today is Teri Dluznieski. The answers to her questions can be found at


1. What does Wayra’s name mean?

2. Who received the Transmission from outer space?

3. Why are some people making new magnets from old magnets?

4. Where does Kaia go, on her journey-pilgrimage?

5. Name Teri’s pets (8 total:)

Saturday Clues 10/24/2015


1. A.R. Von


Our first author today is A.R. Von. The answers to her 3 questions are on several sites.



1. Who will save the woman he loves from a curse that could mean death to them both? 


2. What color does A.R. Von have in her hair?


3.  According to A.R.'s web site, what do you believe her favorite creature is?


2. Annie Nicholas


Our second author today is Annie Nicholas. Find the answers to her questions at 


1. What books do I have for free?  


2. What is the name of my newest release?



3. Ink Slingers Guild


Our third participant today is @Ink Slingers Guild. You can find the answers to their questions by visiting


1. Go to the “About” page. What is the name of the book that is available for free?


2. Look at the image on the top of the page. How many books are featured?


3. Scroll down toward the bottom and on the right side you will see the ‘search’ box. Type in “been eaten”. Click on the link. What is the name of the first author listed?


4. C.E. Black


Our fourth author today is C.E. Black. Find the answer to this question at  


1. What city did Kara and Gabe visit on their weekend getaway?


5. Mina Khan


Our fifth author for today is Mina Khan. Find the answers at

1. What kind of beings does Mina write about?


2. Who is Akshay?


3. Why does Lynn go to West Texas?


4. What is Mina's latest release?


5. Some of Mina's heroes get trapped in what? (2 possible answers, one will do)

Last Day's Clues 10/25/2015


1. Elle Thorne


The first author today is Elle Thorne. Find the answer at



1. What is Vax's half brother's name in Elle Thorne's Always After Dark series?


2. D.D. Miers


The second author today is D.D. Miers. Find her at


1. What is the name of Jovana's Ex-lover in Blood Aflame? (Hint, it starts with an R)


2. What is Abby the "keeper" of in Dark Summoner?


3. What race of dragon is Jovana? (Hint it starts with a W)


4. What two types of immortals is Abby torn between?


3. Angela Quarles


The third author is Angela Quarles. She has several links to find her answers, so I’ll post each of the 3 questions separately.


1. In Angela Quarles's time travel romance Must Love Breeches, which famous person's daughter does she meet?




2. In Angela Quarles's time travel romance, Must Love Chainmail, the hero is from two different nationalities. What are they?





3. In Angela Quarles's steampunk romance, Steam Me Up, Rawley, what city in the American Deep South is it set?




4. Erica Reeder


The final author of Uncanny Quarry is Erica Reeder. Find her answers at


1. In the beginning of Glimmer of Fate, what type of creature does Cy refer to fairies as?

2. What creature does Cy find in the Subway?

3. What did Sven pick up for Cy when they first met?

4. Where are they when Sven asks Cy to stay?

5. Where is the newsletter sign up on the website?


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